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Discover Solutions For Every Athlete: From The Factory To The Field

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A sports-medicine approach to worksite wellness

ETP Consulting and Training is dedicated to providing optimal solutions to enhance overall health and wellness and a high-performing workforce.  Let's identify your inner athlete and develop a strategy.

Laser Cutting Steel

What is an Industrial Athlete?

Individuals who perform physically demanding tasks in industries such as manufacturing, construction, warehousing, logistics, or any other job
that involves heavy lifting, repetitive motions, and physically intensive labor.

What is a Tactical

Individuals who 

train and/or performs in demanding, high-
stakes environments, often in professions that require both physical and mental

endurance to overcome extreme challenges.

What is a Medical

Individuals in the medical profession who are on their feet and/or
in a fixed position for long periods of time providing care for patients.

What is an Administrative Athlete?

Although the responsibilities of office employees vary, these individuals are typically seated for long periods of time and involve administrative, organizational, and collaborative tasks

Workers at Warehouse Computer

Every Employee is an Athlete

There is not much difference between athletes and employees of any other industry. For either to be successful, training and development, teamwork, adaptability, physical and mental fitness, and resiliency are paramount to optimal performance. 

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